2023 29.05 – 01.06 CELASC 2023, the first congress of Central and Eastern European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, was held in Prague (Czech Republic).
The scientific part of the congress was devoted to the application of the 3R-principle and its topics included the improvement of ethical norms and animal protection in biomedical experiments;
The exhibition portion of the congress featured an overview of the latest equipment, tools and technologies for biomedical research and the promotion of laboratory animal science.
327 scientists from 27 countries participated in the congress.
40 oral presentations and 32 posters were presented in 7 sections of the scientific program. 4 workshops and thematic presentations were held within the framework of the congress.
GALAS was represented by Prof. G.Phichkhaia and Prof.K.Mulkijanyan.
During the visit, meetings were held with FELASA and ICLAS board members: Klas Abelson and Jussi Helppi, and an agreement was reached on the working visit to Georgia and holding an Infoday seminar on October 2-4.
Proceedings of the First Congress of the Central and Eastern European Associations for Laboratory Animal Sciences are published and available on the Congress website at https://www.celasc.org/
Based on the results of the congress, the organizing committee decided to hold it systematically (once in three years). The next congress will be held in 2026 in Budapest (Hungary)