The 15th FELASA (the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations) Congress was held
in Marseille on 13-16 June, with over 2200 delegates from 55 countries and 21 constituent Associations.
This triennial FELASA Congress, covers all aspects of the use of animals involved in biomedical experiments:
animal welfare, ethical norms, legislative issues, scientific and educational programs. The Congress motto was
“Communication in Animal Research” and scientific program of the 15th FELASA Congress covered all
communication aspects in following streams :
Communication with and Between Animals
Communication and culture of care
Communicating between Peers, Authorities and the Public
Education and Training: Communication towards the Future
Focused attention was given to promoting and expanding 3R research, appropriate highlight of experiments
with animal engagement, and reporting issues.
Within the framework of the congress, a 3-day exhibition of GLP-compliant scientific equipment, vivarium
equipment, management software, educational and qualification programs was organized by 118 companies.
The congress was attended by the member of the TSMU Ethics Committee for the Biomedical Research,
President of GALAS (Georgian Association for Laboratory Animal Science) and Member of the FELASA-2022
Scientific Committee K. Mulkijanyan.
K. Mulkijanian presented the presentation "Implementation of Animal Care and Use Regulations in Countries in
Transition: Georgia's Experience" and was a co-speaker of ICLAS (International Council for Laboratory Animal
Sciences) Vice President Hanna-Marzha Voipio's presentation "Communication Strategies to Promote
Development and Implementation of Laboratory Animal Regulations". As a member of the Scientific Committee
K. Mulkijanian chaired one plenary ("Diagnostics and Testing") and one poster ("It's All About Communication
Beyond Peers") session and participated in the assessment of poster presentations.
During the Congress and FELASA Board of Management Meeting, a fruitful discussions were held with
FELASA and ICLAS representatives and a joint event plan was drawn up.